Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So... reality is starting to sink in- and I"m having a lot of anxiety. The typical response is "it'll go just fine" or "thats understandable" but I don't know how to tolerate it other than keeping busy. I picked up hours at my summer job and I'm hitting up school a couple of times this week so I can prepare my classroom and the stuff I NEED at the beginning of the year so the week or so after my surgery I can have NO worries. HA yeah right- I worry all the time, but that's another battle for another time!

Reality REALLY sunk in when I read someone's facebook status on Sunday referring to it being August. WOW. August- really? and then today my lovely cousin and co-worker asked "is your surgery next week" and I said "no it's the 12th... wait... that IS next week" ...super... I'm excited, yet apprehensive. The whole "surgery" thing on my HEAD is causing some "background stress" in my life that is definitely showing through in my everyday life... i.e. I'm crabby. But I try to do my best at covering it up! :)

There's my semi-emotional rant for you!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    1) You chose wisely when you picked Advanced Bionics: The part you will be living with is the implant itself; and the on-board electronics in the AB implant are the best. MedEl is almost as good; while the Nucleus 5 is hopelessly obsolete, buried by MedEl and AB worldwide patents.

    2) Do you have ossified cochleas, as determined by radiography? I have .NOT. read your entire blog; but you said you had meningitis when you were 14 months old.

    Dan Schwartz,
    The Hearing Blog
