Sunday, August 14, 2011


What a year this has been!

I don't really have much to update you on, but I've tentatively decided to get the other ear done with a CI... we shall see though- I meet with my audiologist on Aug. 23rd and I'll chat with her about it some more.  I'm also starting a new job with a new district closer to home therefore, new insurance.  So this is a toss up as neither of my insurance options are as great as my previous district, but I'm hoping it's a "necessary procedure" or "preventative" or whatever silly words insurance companies like to throw out there and that it'll be covered as it costs a pretty penny ;) or a pretty arm and a leg- however you look at it!  

One annoying thing about having a cochlear implant- when you're laying down and a dog jumps on your head and the magnet disconnects during a great (Sugarland) song.  Speaking from experience of course.  For those of you who don't know, the magnet connection is basically what turns on and off the sound to my auditory nerve. 

I have also discovered that my magnet likes to disconnect if my head gets too close to the car when I jump in, literally it sticks the the car- kind of fun actually.  To my dismay, only SOME regular magnets stick to my head- but that still makes me cooler than most of my friends as NO magnets stick to theirs ;) (I kid, I kid).
Josh (husband) and I went hiking up in Northern MN and wanted to find the magnetic rock to see if my magnet would be attracted to it- unfortunately it was not a well mapped or groomed trail and it looked like rain so we turned around before we got there.  Rain and I (and my hearing equipment) are not the best of friends.  
**Also-this is a biggie-
Music sounds better and better everyday.  Sometimes when I look back on my (AWESOME) Wedding, I'm saddened that I couldn't hear/decipher hardly ANY songs.  So now, when I go to wedding receptions I just sit and thoroughly enjoy the music.  Amazing. 

Well that's all I have to share for now!  Take care lovelies! 

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